Frequently Asked Questions
Does Dr. Ben see individuals with special needs?
Yes! Dr. Ben trained at one of the top Pediatric Dental Residencies in the country and has experience understanding and managing children who have complex medical conditions. He believes every child is special and deserves to be treated with dignity and respect.
Is Dr. Ben good with little kids?
Yes! Dr. Ben feels that kids need to feel safe in order to have a good experience at the dentist. Using humor, singing and dad jokes, he works to help kids communicate and feel safe. He is a dad of 8 and has been working specifically with kids since 2017.
What insurance do you take?
Give us a call and we can find out. We understand that insurance is hard to navigate, and we’re happy to help you figure out what is covered under your plan.
My toddler doesn’t let me brush their teeth. What can I do?
Well, it is ok to help your child do the right thing even if they cry. Poopy diapers still get changed even when your little one is sad. Dr. Ben and his lovely wife have found that sticker charts, singing, and/or doing your own oral care routine with your kids can be super helpful. We’ve also switched toothpaste flavors when we learned they thought one was “spicey.”
I’m afraid of the dentist. How do I avoid passing that on to my kids?
Act confident and positive about going to the dentist. Your child will imitate your mood. It is ok to let our dental team handle the hard questions. We do this every day. Let us help you and your kids to feel safe and comfortable during care.
What age range do you treat?
We see kids of all ages 0-18 and friends with special needs of any age.
How soon should I bring in my baby for their first appointment?
When your child is cutting their first teeth is a great time to start positive oral health routines. We do a simple check up, discuss good habits, and answer any questions.
What type of toothpaste should I use for my child?
Use any toothpaste with the ADA Seal of Approval. You do want to use toothpaste with Fluoride in it. The secret is that for kids 3 and younger use the size of a dry grain of rice for the paste. And for kids age 4 and older, use the size of a pea of toothpaste.
What kind of toothbrush should I use?
Use any manual or electric toothbrush with soft bristles. Hard or medium bristles can damage your gums.
What age should my kid brush their own teeth?
Teaching kids to care for their own daily needs is like a relay track race. The craziest part is the hand-off. You can help by brushing after them and then spot checking. Most kids do not have the manual dexterity to brush well without the ability to tie their own shoes without help and have them stay tied all day.
Do you treat tongue-ties?
Yes! We are so happy to evaluate your child and see if they need their tongue-tie revised.